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  • Innovation Business

Data Technology

  • With data-driven business≠♣> as the core concept, enable entity en​ ♠‍terprises, financial institutions and gov↕→λ ernment agencies to achieve t•↔δhe goals of Digital t¥♠©ransformation at all stages, create typic✘ε‍÷al cases in the field, establisε♣€ h long-term strategic partnerships₩β↔® and jointly promote ♣↔βthe depth and breadth of✘÷₩± Digital transformation.
  • We provide customized®≥♦ solutions based on data servic¶♦​e modules, including strategic cΩφ✘©onsulting, solutions, and implementation data s‍>ervices, based on our extensive‍€ experience in data mana¶δgement systems and mo&♥×dular data technology. Weβ™♠★ have established st≈™σrategic partnerships wit✔​→♥h a variety of companies,₩  including large financial groups, large sλ₩♠tate-owned enterprises, as®∏ set management firms, new energy ↕♠•enterprises, and so on.
  • Analyze market pain points, cre↔★ate universal software an§& d products with the goal of ±σφlowering enterprise o¶£∞♣perating costs and improving operational ef₹≥∑γficiency, and widely enhance the digitaliza☆©tion level of enterprises.
  • We attribute real economic data to financialγ‌∞✘ attributes by using data technology toβ♠® explore the value of alt→$αernative data, provide diversified solution→±₽≠s for physical enterprises to connect with the↓✘₽ capital market, and p₩λ×rovide a basis for f↕←≠αinancial market risk andφ↔ value assessment.

Quantitative Investmentק‌

  • Relying on the internationally leadiΩλ★ng quantitative fund investment management techno¶↑logy and profound experience in the frontβ±→♦, middle and back of€★fices of the domestic market↓  to create a unique quantita‌ε↓ tive investment analysi★←→÷s platform Skynet.
  • Since 2018, SAFS has provided quan♦← titative fund technical consulting services for α≈×several cooperative institutions™  β, including securities firms, wealth ma→ nagement companies and private equity funds, etc♦₹←. SAFS has also managed σ&≤™six funds, with more than 200 mill±‌∑₩ion yuan under management, ↑"λ$and the rate of return is §←ahead of the market average level.
  • SAFS and the expert team of theφ✘'  CFIF jointly launched the China Sta→✔¥r Fund Index. This series of indexes use✘≠♠‍s an artificial intelligence modelα♠ to continuously learn and observe the ₩"market environment and uses AI algorithms to calc§"ulate the optimal quantitative trading por÷∞tfolio of the correspond©↕ ing strategy under the current ★α♣market environment.

Energy Storage