We attribute real economic data to financialγ∞✘ attributes by using data technology toβ♠® explore the value of alt→$αernative data, provide diversified solution→±₽≠s for physical enterprises to connect with the↓✘₽ capital market, and p₩λ×rovide a basis for f↕←≠αinancial market risk andφ↔ value assessment.
Quantitative Investmentק
Relying on the internationally leadiΩλ★ng quantitative fund investment management techno¶↑logy and profound experience in the frontβ±→♦, middle and back of€★fices of the domestic market↓ to create a unique quantitaε↓ tive investment analysi★←→÷s platform Skynet.
Since 2018, SAFS has provided quan♦← titative fund technical consulting services for α≈×several cooperative institutions™ β, including securities firms, wealth ma→ nagement companies and private equity funds, etc♦₹←. SAFS has also managed σ&≤™six funds, with more than 200 mill±∑₩ion yuan under management, ↑"λ$and the rate of return is §←ahead of the market average level.