• Management Team

Yang Pang, CEO

Dr. Yang Pang manages business✔" development and oversees all business✔ ∑ units of Shanghai Alliance Financial Services‌‍ Co., Ltd (“SAFS”) which specializ↔γ♣es in global asset management, securitizat₹π♦Ωion, financial derivatives and‍Ω hedge funds. At SAFS, Dr. Pang initiated the>λ÷¥ renewable energy development and invπ£¶♣estment business, and establisheα‍←d a hedge fund managem♠‍ent platform. Dr. Pang ₽$'←is closely involved in the developme<αnt of securitization market in China&₹. In addition to his responsibilities wi$σ♠☆th SAFS, Dr. Pang also serves as Chairm£ππ€an of Influx Asset Maβ nagement, a Chinese PE inves€∑α¶tment management company, and Vice Cha₩γ&irman of the Chinese Association for Science a↔→σ₩nd Business, a nonprofit organization for promot₽‌‍$ing scientific and c‍¥←ulture exchanges with China. Prior ∞÷¥εto becoming CEO of SAFS, Dr. Panπ×↔≥g was a partner and manage₽ ☆εment committee member ♥♠' of ZAIS Group, where h♣♦e oversaw the firm’s proprietary a♠±nalytics and trading platforms. Dr. Pang gra♣↓duated from Fudan Univers∞< ity in 1982, and received Ph.D. in physics fro♠‌m Columbia University.