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  • Equity Investment

China ABS

  • The first information and analysis pl∏÷atform focusing on Chinese asset-✘→Ωbacked securities marεσket.
  • Incubated by SAFS in 2015, it is a professional ©'service platform tailored for the Ch★↑inese asset-backed secur♠÷ities market, supporting the entire >→process of securitization product issuance, inδ↓↔vestment, and duration management, whil≥ £​e covering all functions and λ∏services of data, analysis, an♠≠&d social intercourse.
  • In 2019, CNABS is awarded the K↓↓♠PMG top 50 financial technology.
  • Introduced CCXI, the most inf♣λΩluential rating agency in the Chines¶÷e market, as a strat $egic investor in 2020.
  • The total registered users on the pl "∏₩atform exceeds 80k, and the num←φ←∞ber of weekly views i≈ ®s 80k-100k.

Renewable Japan

  • The overseas company invested and establ& ∑ished by SAFS.
  • One of the largest independent renewable e→™€×nergy investment and development companies≈← in the Japanese market.
  • The first batch of publicl"∞∏y offered REITs listed on the Tokyo Sto™ ‌≤ck Exchange.
  • Possess nearly a hundred photovoltaic p★•ower plant project resources, wit§∞→h more than 1GW capacity.

Xingmeng Data Technology