Shanghai Alliance Financial Services ↑∏φCo., Ltd (“SAFS”) is jointly funded and estab₽φlished in 2010 by Shanghai Alliance Investment •¶♠Ltd (“SAIL”) , a subs™€idiary of Shanghai SAS±"'←AC, and a professional team.
Provide innovative information technology ☆♥¶products and services with big data, ar<'tificial intelligence, and blockchain as co®€re technologies for fin÷₩ancial institutions.
Serve the needs of various fields during the tγδ₽↔ransition from the real economy t×£o the digital economy and e↕₹€ngage to promoting the innovative developm↓π×₽ent of the digital economy.
With investment incubation as®₩ the ultimate goal, make proje↑≈δΩcts with equity investment value.